In the world today a major problem that people are faced with is identity theft. Users who fail to secure their personal information and financial information are at a high risk of having their identity stolen. Millions of people every year are face with the problem of having their identity stolen. People spend years and a ton of money to try to fix the problem. Identity theft has the ability to ruin your credit and ruin your name. People need to be more careful about the decisions they make when they put their information out to the public. When making purchases online, make sure that the website is legitimate and secure. The internet can be a terrifying place if you do not understand the risks of hackers gaining your information.
People need to realize that identity theft is a real problem in the world today. If you are not careful, you can easily become a victim. There are a few easy ways to avoid becoming a victim of identity. One should refrain from revealing your social security number to an unknown source. If someone gains access to your social security number they have the ability to steal your identity. You should not provide your bank account number or credit card information unless you know who you are giving it to. Everyone should monitor your credit. Make sure that the purchases you are making are made by you and not someone else. By understanding that risks of identity theft you will be able to make better decisions and lower your chances of having your identity stolen.
I love where you're going with this idea. My blog is actually (ironically) involved with the same concept of creating a social media website based focusing on music. Great minds think alike I guess! Where I would further direct your attention is how bands and fans as well fans with other fans can interact over your website. Incorporate a video chat idea that can help create different bands with people of similar musical interests from around the country. This is where I've been going with my blog, focusing a lot on how users can interact with each other to broaden one another's musical horizons. Overall I definitely love your idea and I hope someone actually creates a musical social website soon because I would LOVE for one to exist!
ReplyDeleteInteresting post. You do a nice job focusing on the conventional concerns associated with identify theft in the context of today's information age. However, you do not tie this back to your entrepreneurial idea. It would go a long way if you explicitly state the reasons as to why identity theft is a valid concern in the context of social music websites.
ReplyDeleteWhat are other social music sites doing to mitigate identity theft concerns? How has it helped their business/site? It would be really interesting to know what iTunes is doing. I know iTunes is different from your idea, but using them as a resource would provide insight into how a major player in the online music space handles identify theft.